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Iso Standard知識

  • ISO是什麼!?關於ISO問題~~~~
    ISO 國際標準化組織 International Standard Organization ISO 9000系列是眾多由ISO(國際標準化組織)設立導致很多公司使用其他標準如IC 9700或IC 9200,ISO 9000是一個被廣泛接受的標準。 有些國家甚至
  • Linux.com :: Commentary: ISO should kick OOXML off the standards bus
    ECMA, the international IT standards association, recently published its responses to comments of the ISO National Bodies in response to ...
  • Office 2007 standard ISO's - what's the difference?
    What's the difference between the two ISO's? I would think the United States one only came with US English, and the other might be a ...
  • UL 是實驗室, 還是一種法規名呢?
    for Standardization) ISO 標誌: 同CE marker 指產品製造商或服務提供者已確實符合相應ISO standard 補充說明: ISO 與 CE 等條文已經開始有整合化,通常一個完整的作業流程以及安全
  • Technical Committee Vote: PDF 1.7 accepted as an ISO standard ...
    Up to now, only subsets of PDF applying to specific uses were published as ISO standards: PDF/X for Prepress (2001, 2003) and PDF/A for ...
  • PDF/A: An ISO Standard [pdfa.org]
    This ISO standard defines a standard format (PDF/A-1) for the long-term archiving of electronic documents and is based on the PDF Reference ...
  • 何謂「奧多曼式水表」Woltman Water Meter?
    the dial from fogging up 5) Little loss of pressure 6) Measuring accuracy up to Class B of ISO Standard 7) All purpose use, easy to change and maintain 8) Dimensions range from 50mm to 200mm
  • 求救...有什麼軟體可以支援.step檔呢??
    ISO 10303 STEP(Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data)是一個工業界標準的格式, AP203及AP209 (AP:Application
  • ISO認證分那幾種?每一種認證本質又怎麼是麼呢?
    2000年第4季發行,在(IS) 正式發行前,驗證機構可以依據Final Draft International Standard (FDIS) 執行評鑑工作,但無法頒發ISO9001:2000版證書。 現有之ISO 9001/2/3: 1994 證書最長有效期限,自ISO9001:2000 (IS)正式發行日起算3年,期間
  • Support for ISO Standard 26300 in Epoline Filing Software : PDF issues
    Hi all, Any idea when and if the Epoline Filing Software will support ISO standard 26300 ODF documents ? As a reminder, ISO 26300 defines .

Iso StandardIso Standard

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